Suomen Blogimedia /Fashion


Aug 7, 2014

Busy Bee

Hello my lovely, sweet and absolutely wonderful readers :)! I've been really busy lately and that combined with way too much lack of sleep, my most precious baby and a blog constantly growing (love it!), I think it's time for us to have "the talk". I want to start by saying that I love each and every one of you, who take your precious time to write me or another reader for that matter, a comment! 
Your comments mean the world to me and I really really appreciate every single one of them, but now that I've got more and more readers, I simply have to choose, to update the blog or to answer comments? I want to answer every comment, and have so far, but I don't think it will be possible for long anymore :(. I will still try to answer every single comment, but please know that if I don't, it's just because I honestly don't have the time, not that I don't want to or care. This doesn't mean that you should stop commenting, and I really hope you don't!!! Please don't! You won't, right ;)?



  1. Voi Sofia olet ihana♥ Joka kerta kun luen sun blogia pidän susta aina vaan ememmän! :) Olet todella jalatmaassa tyyppi ja oikein herttaisen oloinen nainen.

    1. Haha, kiva että olet saanut sellaisen kuvan <3. Ihanaa viikonloppua!

  2. Don't U worry, we won't ;) Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for comforting me ;). You 2!!!


  3. älä huoli kaunis sofia!
    ,aion lukea blogiasi niin kauan kuin kirjoitat sitä.sillä pidän siitä todella kovasti.
    aion myös vastaisuudessakin kommentoida ihania asujasi sekä piristäviä kuviasi
    rentouttavaa viikonloppua sinulle ;)

    1. Kiitos ihana ;D! Kommenttisi merkitsevät paljon<3
