Suomen Blogimedia /Fashion


Jul 31, 2014


I'm sorry I've been a little slow with the updates. I've been busy doing things around the house and playing with Greta. These past two days have passed by so fast, and I'm afraid summer will be over in a blink of an eye, so I'm trying to soak in as much sunlight and warm weather as possible. 
I wanted to take the time to show you my latest purchases for our home. This vase is from Tine K and I'm incredibly happy I got it, because it looks so cute on our kitchen table! Fresh, beautiful flowers make me really happy, so this vase will play a big role in my everyday life :).

While I've been decorating our new home, I've come to realize how much I appreciate and love art. What people decide to hang up on the wall, tells a lot about the person. We have a very mixed art collection in our apartment, but every single piece is carefully chosen, feels meaningful and speaks to me in it's own way. We have everything from old oil paintings to modern abstract art.
I knew I wanted another nice modern piece, and I completely fell for this photograph of Sienna Miller by Mario Testino. She looks gorgeous in it, and I love both the statues and the feeling of high fashion. I'm also dreaming of the beautiful painting of Greta Garbo by Einar Nerman that I once fell in love with at Bukowskis.


  1. Mario Testinon kuvat ovat niin upeita, tuo sinunkin kuvasi Siennasta on todella kaunis! <3 Saako kysyä, että mistä hankit sen? :)

    1. Kiitos, tykkään tästä kuvasta todella paljon. Tilasin kuvan netistä, mutta en just nyt muista että mistä :/...

  2. kaunis maljakko. mista se on?

    1. Eikö olekkin? Mistä maljakko on lukee tekstissä yllä, eli Tine K ;)

  3. Hienot, sinulla on tosi kiva tyylitaju :) Saako kysyä mistä teidän valkoinen sohva on hankittu? Onko se kenties Adean? Olemme etsineet samantyyppistä niin siksi kyselen. :)

    1. Kiitos kiltti! Meidän sohva on Zaza liikkestä annankadulla ;)
