Suomen Blogimedia /Fashion


Jun 3, 2014


Every now and then I find myself reminiscing back to when I was pregnant with my little baby girl. It was the most amazing thing I've ever done in my life, even tho I was very inpatient and done with being pregnant at the end (Greta arrived 11 days over due). 
I had a very easy pregnancy and  I was able to attend spinning classes 4-5 times a week, all up to pregnancy week 38 ;D. I enjoyed being pregnant and I felt really connected to my baby right from the start. Only at the very end I started to feel heavy and I remember being done with my big belly. Now I miss it! I miss feeling her little feet kicking me, her hiccups and being waken up by her in the middle of the night (I don't miss being hungry like a wolf and making myself a third dinner in the middle of the night, haha) .
 Now she is already such a big girl. She learns new things constantly and her personality shows more and more each day that passes by. I love seeing her develop step by step and I hate the thought of missing out on something. She has grown so fast already. Sometimes I just want to freeze the time and put her back into my belly for a while ;P.

 I am the happiest and luckiest I can possibly get! 
Lucky us moms ;).


  1. Just found your blog, must read more post but this post captured my feelings excactly - I was just thinking the same with my little girl who's turning six months.. She was just born and now is already a "big girl" turning and trying to move and growing so fast now that she's started to eat fruits and vegetables...and it's so heartbreaking to put away her already little clothes and socks...You wrote in some post that you miss Greta when she's asleep - never thought that that could be possible but it is :)

    Nice that you posted some of your pregnancy outfits too, maybe you could to another post for mums-to-be about what to wear - I found it difficult to find suitable pregancy clothes because I'm short and busty, so I bought regular ones but in bigger size - and now that I looked at the pictures - looked like a sack ;) But luckily didn't gain too much weight during my pregnancy and already fit in my regular clothes - pure saving to find clothes you didn't remember excisting at all in your closet - haha! Have a great first summer with Greta! -M-

    1. I'm happy you found my blog ;), welcome! I know, it's terrible to put away out grown one pieces, and I do miss her like crazy when she falls asleep! Today I actually got jealous at my husband when I heard Greta laugh and play with him at my photo shoot ;).

      I didn't buy any maternity clothes. I just bought them a size or two bigger than usual, and then I wore leggings lot as well ;P.

      Thank you! I wish you to have a great summer with your little princess yourself <3

  2. Nainen on kauneimmillaan raskaana <3 Ihan samoja fiiliksiä mullakin. Niitä liitoskipuja en kaipaa raskausajasta, enkä myöskään närästystä ;-))

    1. Niin on <3. Onneksi meillä naisilla on lottovoitto kun saamme olla raskaana ja synnyttää. Se on suurinta mitä olen koskaan kokenut, eikä verrattavissa mihinkään muuhun<3.

  3. Sä olit kyllä niin siro ihan viimeiseen asti, vaikka sulla olikin bebe masussa. :) Tosiaankin kuulut heihin, joille raskaus sopii, jotka oikein hehkuu.

    1. Sivupalkissa on muuten vanha osoite. :) Vaihdoin belloista kuun vaihteessa takaisin bloggeriin. hihii. Uusi alku.
