Suomen Blogimedia /Fashion


Sep 25, 2014

How to become a relaxed, nice and lovable person?

Haha, that's what I would like to know (and my husband too, one would think :-))!? I feel like ever since I've become a mother I've been a stress boll and I have difficulties to wind down at night or whenever I get the chance (doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I totally over consume coffee !?!) . I am constantly on the go, going somewhere, thinking about the next thing on my to do list. And all the things I haven't done, should be doing and shouldn't be doing, all at once. I know that I come off as a crazy person :-) every now and then, so I've finally decided to take my own advice and do something about it. 

All I actually need is a good night of sleep, but since that's not about to happen anytime soon (probably ever), I'll have to try to find other things to help me de-stress. Here are my top ten  best advice on how to calm down and de-stress.

1. Nature. Walking or spending time in nature and breathing fresh air is energizing, grounding and calming all at the same time, and it's also therapeutic.

2. Sauna or hot bath. As a typical and proud finn, I love going to the sauna and luckily we have one in our apartment. It's the best way to end a hectic day before going to bed with my loved ones.

3. Meditation music. I have, and am obsessed with both meditation and yoga music on spotify. I listen to it at home with Greta, while I clean, study, and during my walks. It's calming and invites only nice and lovely thoughts.

4. Yoga! I used to practice hot yoga almost every day a few years back when I lived in Ottawa. I loved it so much I actually wanted to become a yoga teacher (I always want to study and master everything I like, so no surprise there really). I really miss the yoga studio and our fantastic and inspiring teacher in Ottawa. It has never been the same here in Finland, but I should really give it a try again, because yoga makes me feel so good and it's good for both body and mind.

5. Accept failure. I have to really let go and accept that I don't have the time or energy to do everything I'd like to do, or expect out of myself. My home is never perfect and I cook the same thing everyday, but that's just how it's going to be for a while forward so I'd better just accept it.

6. Ask for help. I am a master at this one, because I ask my husband for help constantly. He helps me with my paper work and anything I ask for really, so all I have to do is just keep asking, a lot ;D.

7. Say no without explaining yourself! NO. Period.

8. Go to bed at 10pm every night. I so need it!

9. Shop less- vacate more. Even if it's jus fort a day or two, but a change of scenery and a getaway from daily tasks is so relaxing. Packing and flying with a child might of course not be the most stress free thing, but when all that is taken care of and survived, it's so worth it. Traveling is really an investment in so many ways!

10. Focus. Every day when me and Greta participate in activities I always focus on her only. I don't check my phone or any other devices. This time is usually completely stress free because I don't think about all the other things on my to do list. I am present and I watch her play and enjoy herself. I am in the moment and I love it. I should adapt this way of thinking into other situations too. I really should.


  1. Hi! Could you please answer to this: Do you have any good breakfast and snack tips? What do you usually eat at breakfast/as snack as I'm sure you don't have much time to prepare with a baby? I would really need some ideas as I'm also in a rush every day :) -minni Thanks!

    1. hmmm as a matter of fact I just now had one of my favorite snacks, and it's super fast and simple:). Slices of apples with a couple of table spoons of organic cashew butter. Love it!

    2. Thanks for the tip! Would you be able to do a post about these too? That would be awesome :)

    3. Yes, but not right now. I will make a food and snack post as soon as things slow down a little bit :). Hope that's ok<3

  2. Jenni Norrman9/25/14, 10:19 AM

    Hyviä pointteja! Pitäisi itsekkin muistaa toteuttaa... :/ Ihana blogi sulla! Ollaan törmätty muutamia kertoja tuolla Kaivarin rannassa kärryjen kanssa ;D

    1. Joo luulen etten ole ainut stressaaantunut äiti tässä maailmassa :). Tekee varmaan monelle hyvä muistaa ottaa vähän iisimmin välillä<3.

  3. wau,miten kauniita&ihania kuvia sofia;)
    kaunis mekko, mistä se on?
    ihanaa päivän jatkoa sinulle ja gretalle:)

  4. iso kiitos inspiroivasta blogistasi sofia,:)
    käyn usein katsomassa josko olisi tullut uusi päivitys;)
    olen löytänyt blogin avulla uusia hyviä kauneudenhoitotuotteita ja ostin jopa ensimmäisen leopardikuvoisen huivin<3 johon olen todella tyytyväinen;)joka oli minulle kokonaan uusi juttu jota uskaltauduin,kokeilemaan:)ihanaa loppuviikkoa sinulle sofia:)

    1. kiva kuulla että viihdyt täällä sivuillani :)

  5. yoga music on spotify!? i thought i'm the only one obsessed :) I love that kind of posts! I would only add one more thing to Your list - deep breathing to stay calm and relaxed :))

    1. yes, deep breathing is excellent, but I always forget about that ;D

  6. "5. Accept failure. I have to really let go and accept that I don't have the time or energy to do everything I'd like to do, or expect out of myself. My home is never perfect and I cook the same thing everyday, but that's just how it's going to be for a while forward so I'd better just accept it."

    This is not failure or failing. Failure is losing a relationship, a job, health etc. which is hard to accept, a messy household is nothing compared to real failures.

    1. Hmmmm it's funny that you say that because failure is the opposite of success and failure means "an unsuccessful person, enterprise or thing" according to the oxford dictionary. It also means collapse and none functional. I understand that there are much worse cases of what I mean with the word failure. There are starving children in Africa and that is terrible and sad, but if I experience a messy household as failure, there is nothing wrong or incorrect with that. I can't control my feelings and I shouldn't either, so I'm not going to explain myself further :). This blog is about me, my style, my life and my failures and successes. If you find it irritating to read my blog, there are plenty of others covering more serious kinds of failure. I will of course appreciate your visits in the future, and you are welcome to stay if you so wish<3.

  7. Tämä oli täydellinen postaus! Olen miettinyt näitä asioita nyt muutaman päivän putkeen tauotta! Tuntuu että olen viimeisen kuukauden ollut koko ajan ärtynyt/ärsyyntynyt ja suutun tai kiukustun asioista todella helposti. Tiedätkö mitä tarkoitan? Mietin koko ajan eteenpäin mitä teen seuraavaksi ja mitä minun pitäisi tehdä/tai pitäisi olla jo tehnyt ja saavuttanut, teen jatkuvasti listoja puhelimeeni ja stressaannun. Yritän tehdä kaiken mahdollisimman täydellisesti ja sitten kun asiat eivät mene niinkuin tahdon (kutein usein elämässä) tuntuu että seinät romahtavat ja kiukku kasvaa vaikka ei olisikaan maailman isoimmasta asiasta kyse. On todella vaikea taito hyväksyä itsensä ja epäonnistumiset ja että kaikki ei voi olla täydellistä ja vain "let go", antaa asioiden olla ja olla silti täysin onnellinen. Vaikea mutta todella opettelemisen arvoinen, ehkä vielä joku päivä. Helpottavaa kuulla että muutkin tuntevat samalla tavalla :)
