Suomen Blogimedia /Fashion


Aug 12, 2014


This morning when I was on my daily walk, I felt it for the first time this year, fall is in the air! It might have been because of the rain and the fact that school starts today, but anyways;). I am excited, because fall means new beginnings, new start, new ideas, new everything! Fall is when my new year begins, not on new years eve on the 31.12! I always feel recharged, creative and ready to work towards my goals after the summer. This fall has so many new and fun things to be excited about, and even though I'm still going to really enjoy the warm and beautiful summer days that we have left, I'm slowly gonna set my focus towards new challenges and projects that's ahead of me!

leather vest and top from andiata// jeans acne// shoes jimmy choo// purse from saint laurent


  1. Sun blogia on niin ilo seurata! Kiitos Sofia! :) P.s. onko tuo sinun Saint Laurentin laukku se pienempi vai isompi koko?

    1. kiitos, ihana kuulla <3. Laukku on se isompi ;)

  2. I had the same feeling, there was fall in the air for the first time yesterday! The weather was not cold, but the wind was a bit chillier than during summertime.. and perhaps the scents and smells are different. I also like the fall very much thanks to for instance its fresh air and amazing colors :)

    1. I love the smell of fall! It's the best<3

  3. upea kokonaisuus,kauniit kengät&laukku.itse pidän eniten kesästä, mutta syksykin on kaunista aikaa raikkaan ilman sekä värien takia,kuten myökin kevät on mahtavaa aikaa, alkaa luonto vihertamään,kukat pikku hiljaa kukkimaan;)

    1. Syksy on mielestäni niin kaunista ja rauhoisaa aikaa <3

  4. Ihana asu:) Voisin pukea aivan samanlaisen itselleni. Täysosuma. YSL: n laukku on haaveeni! Ehkä joku päivä omistan samanlaisen.

    1. Moikka Maarit! Kiva kuulla että tykkäät asusta:D. Laukkuun olen kyllä ollut tosi tyytyväinen;).
