Hooray Hooray, we're finally here! Welcome! I am super happy and excited to announce, that from this day forward, I'll be a part of this fantastic group of women! These 5 beauties are all so inspiring, cool, smart, focused and strong role models for women. I am so honored to be a part of it all.
Not only do I get to work with these gorgeous ladies, but we are also in collaboration with Suomen Blogimedia, and together we create the Suomen Blogimedia Fashion group.
Suomen Blogimedia is a 1.5 year old blog community for individual bloggers, now covering 26 blogs.
Suomen Blogimedia is a 1.5 year old blog community for individual bloggers, now covering 26 blogs.
Last weekend was spent in London, and it was so much fun getting to know all of these girls. All of us flew in from different parts of the world, and arrived at different times on Friday, but since we stayed at the same hotel, we got to catch up a little before it was time to roll up our sleeves and really get to work.
On Saturday it waLs time to get together for some group pictures, so me, Alexa, Kaisa, Linda, Marika and Vilma met up with London based, rising star photographer Mikko Puttonen, at this beautiful and cool location. I think the pictures came out really beautiful and powerful, really reflecting what this group is all about. London is a really beautiful city with tons of beautiful buildings, cafes and parks, and I felt like I wanted to stay much longer, to shoot outfit pictures for the entire year ahead ;).
Our trip to London was made possible thanks to a collaboration with Momondo.

It's going to take some time for both me and the blog to settle, so please be patient if you can't find something your looking for in the archives just yet. Everything will be sorted out within a week or so.
I hope you enjoy yourselves here at sofiaruutu.com, and as always I'll be extremely happy and grateful for any kind of feedback, thoughts and comments from you. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you again very soon<3.
I hope you enjoy yourselves here at sofiaruutu.com, and as always I'll be extremely happy and grateful for any kind of feedback, thoughts and comments from you. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you again very soon<3.
This post is in collaboration with Suomen Blogimedia and Momondo