I love your blog but somehow this triggers my eating disorder, self harming behavior and other negative thoughts like no other... You are so beautiful, inside and out, and you seem to have a perfect life. One that I can only dream of but that will never happen...
It makes me sad to hear that:(. All I can say is that no ones life is perfect, not mine and not yours! I don't even know what perfect means, but it sounds very boring to me. In my blog I want to write about easy going unserious subjects because I want to keep my private life private. BUT I have to say that yes, I am a very positive person, I think that happiness is a lot about attitude. If you are grateful and appriciate the simple things in life and understand that happiness is in every individuals own hands, it's easier to see the good in life. Happiness to me is not in outer beauty or material things, even tho this blog is about fashion. Happiness to me is to be happy and in peace with the decisions I've made in my life. My family, friends, love and positive way to look at life is what makes me happy and makes me also love myself for what I have made my life to be all about. I wish you all the best in life and I want you to know that I understand that sometimes it's easier said than done to be positive, but THERE IS help to get for those dark moments we all go through from time to time! Sometimes a little guidance, support and someone to talk to can solve so much more than one would think<3.
Thanks, you're so sweet... It's not your outstanding beauty, impeccable style, luxurious clothing items or exciting lifestyle that triggers such hopeless feelings. It's the way you are, or at least the way you present yourself in your photos. Your face always looks so calm and unpretentious, there's no tension in the way you pose, it all looks so effortless, at ease, free and undisturbed. That is perfection to me. And that, I'm afraid, is unattainable to me...
Voi, että olen todella iloinen, että kirjoitat taas blogia. :) Seurasin välillä Instagram- tiliäsi, mutta kun en ole kirjautunut Instagramiin, niin kovin aktiivisesti en sitä kautta kuviasi tullut seuranneeksi.
Miten muuten, oletko lisännyt tätä blogiasi blogilistalle? Bloglovin- painike tuossa sivussa näyttää olevan, joten ehkä minun tulisi alkaa käyttää bloglovinia, koska haluaisin pysyä perässä uusista bllogipäivityksistäsi.
Moikka ja kiitos Katja! Kiva kuulla että minulla on uskollinen lukija ;). Suosittelen kyllä tuota bloglovinia, niin näet aina heti kun seuraamasi blogi päivittyy.
Ihana asu ! Ja takki myös, jotain tällaista olen hakenut itselleni. :-)
ReplyDeleteAndiataan mars! Siellä on joka kevät IHANIA boucle jakkuja! Tulossa vielä pari postausta missä esittelen lemppareitani! Love them <3
DeleteMun piti ihan googlettaa missä myydään. Olen missannut nämä :)
DeletePure perfection! :)))
ReplyDeleteAgain i love your blush. Could you please tell me which brand and colour is it?
Thank you sweets! My blush is the one and only Nars Orgasm ;)! It gives the perfect glow, I love it!
DeleteMielettämän upea asu ja kaunis sinä! :)
ReplyDeleteKiitos kaunokainen😊!
DeleteMistä ostat noita Chanelin korvakoruja? Tilaatko netistä vai ostatko jostain liikkeestä? Olen haaveillut semmoisesta nappimallista jo pitkään.
ReplyDeleteChanelin liikkeistä saa parhaiten chanelin koruja! Siellä on suuri valikoima ja he osaavat auttaa ja saat sovittaa:).
DeleteI love your blog but somehow this triggers my eating disorder, self harming behavior and other negative thoughts like no other... You are so beautiful, inside and out, and you seem to have a perfect life. One that I can only dream of but that will never happen...
ReplyDeleteIt makes me sad to hear that:(. All I can say is that no ones life is perfect, not mine and not yours! I don't even know what perfect means, but it sounds very boring to me. In my blog I want to write about easy going unserious subjects because I want to keep my private life private. BUT I have to say that yes, I am a very positive person, I think that happiness is a lot about attitude. If you are grateful and appriciate the simple things in life and understand that happiness is in every individuals own hands, it's easier to see the good in life. Happiness to me is not in outer beauty or material things, even tho this blog is about fashion. Happiness to me is to be happy and in peace with the decisions I've made in my life. My family, friends, love and positive way to look at life is what makes me happy and makes me also love myself for what I have made my life to be all about. I wish you all the best in life and I want you to know that I understand that sometimes it's easier said than done to be positive, but THERE IS help to get for those dark moments we all go through from time to time! Sometimes a little guidance, support and someone to talk to can solve so much more than one would think<3.
DeleteAll the best,
Thanks, you're so sweet... It's not your outstanding beauty, impeccable style, luxurious clothing items or exciting lifestyle that triggers such hopeless feelings. It's the way you are, or at least the way you present yourself in your photos. Your face always looks so calm and unpretentious, there's no tension in the way you pose, it all looks so effortless, at ease, free and undisturbed. That is perfection to me. And that, I'm afraid, is unattainable to me...
DeleteHej, jag älskar skorna! Är de sköna också?
ReplyDeleteja, jätte sköna ;)!
DeleteVoi, että olen todella iloinen, että kirjoitat taas blogia. :) Seurasin välillä Instagram- tiliäsi, mutta kun en ole kirjautunut Instagramiin, niin kovin aktiivisesti en sitä kautta kuviasi tullut seuranneeksi.
ReplyDeleteMiten muuten, oletko lisännyt tätä blogiasi blogilistalle? Bloglovin- painike tuossa sivussa näyttää olevan, joten ehkä minun tulisi alkaa käyttää bloglovinia, koska haluaisin pysyä perässä uusista bllogipäivityksistäsi.
Hyvää kesää sinulle ja perheellesi! :)
Moikka ja kiitos Katja! Kiva kuulla että minulla on uskollinen lukija ;). Suosittelen kyllä tuota bloglovinia, niin näet aina heti kun seuraamasi blogi päivittyy.
DeleteIhanaa ja aurinkoista kesää sinullekin<3